New Production

The North Flow 2 will be built despite all the difficulties, and no member of the project has come out: Vladimir Putin made a statement in Chelabinsk. The president went there to open a new production line at the Enterprise Etherno, it releases connective parts for pipelines using nanotechnologies.
The Chelabine factory, which completely overturned the images of metallurgy a few years ago, today changed them again. An enterprise that shines everything from purity has begun new production. Sounds kind of paradoxical, but it's nanotechnic. Without these, with the permission to say, no oil or gas pipelines can be covered, because the pipes reach thousands of kilometres, go underground, go back to the surface, and the triplets are safely connecting the different sections of the pipeline under the most difficult conditions.
The enterprise was called "Etherno." The Working Party requests a two-metre retreat. Even though it's desirable to go further, because after the stove opens, the heat is as high as tens of metres. The unloaded part of the jewelry is undressing and removing a special hot loader, and then it's still fantastically falling into the special press.
Investment in the project is over 7 billion roubles. And if those details were purchased in the U.S. before, there's no need anymore. New details can be used in all circumstances for years, thanks to the protective nanoproof.
"Trumpeting, it's a very high-tech product," he tells the president of the OAO ROSNANO board Anatoly Chubays. - It's a hundred percent Russian development that started with three people coming to us at the RUSNANO and said, "One idea."
As a result, the new enterprise created almost 500 new jobs. "We're talking a lot about importation, but not because we all want to move, but because it's a good thing for the country," it's up to the president.
The Chelabian workers, perhaps as no one else, are closely following the world news. Because their pipes are going to build North Flow 2 and some foreign policies are trying to prevent this project.
The factory will have a lot of work, understands Putin, despite any political difficulties in the world. Because Europe's gas needs are growing and its own production is falling. It's coming from Russia. "It's not enough who knows, but "Gazprom" is the one that delivers the most, 600 million tons today," it says Vladimir Putin.