Mini Garage Production
1. Production of construction materials
In small cities, labour is generally cheaper than in large cities. So any production-related business will be more profitable here. Moreover, in small cities, rent and utilities are cheaper and land and accommodation is much easier to obtain. Local administration is also more cohesive and easier to connect in the plain circles.
One of the most common and verified small business cities are building materials. First of all, it's foams, slags, bricks, bricks (including legs), panes, trotuary stoves, brodures, iron concrete rings, etc. Landscape design can produce spray materials like decorative chips and decorative chips.
There's a lot of options to do. Construction materials can be stored in the nearest major city, construction companies and private buyers.
2. Mini Pharmaceutical
The production of bread and bakeries is a business at all times, regardless of the size of the city. During the crisis, the consumption of bakeries has increased dramatically, so it is now time to open such businesses.
The opening of a mini-carni will be at least 700,000 p.m., provided that a business is organized in a ready, rented room. The most cost-effective option is the production of bakeries: sweet buns, croissants, pizzas, ears, sticks, crackers, etc. Unlike bread (primary of first necessity) the price of buns and croissants can reach 100 per cent or more.