How To Open Your Business Without Money

What kind of business can start if there's no big start-up capital, as well as special skills like filming and editing, writing software codes for mobile applications and designing sites? This issue is discussed by the users of the Quora discussion service popular in the Creme Valley. HF translated the most interesting answers.
First find clients.

Andrew Burnett Tomson, IT consultant
I was in a situation like this, really, I was a little easier-- I was able to write a software code. In my free time (before and after) I wrote those programmes that are now selling online. Instead of getting behind the " amazing thing no one has ever done " , I have decided to improve the product already in existence. I can say that at the start, 90 per cent of the successes have to be done by their own and 10 per cent by their skills.
Founder SnapInspect Sam Owens told me how to find an idea and sell it until the software product was established. It's amazing-- look hard. In the search for an idea, he has, inter alia, been looking at vacancy sites to understand which companies hire people during the recession. He asked local businessmen that they hated their work most to solve their problem. Okay, he found out that real estate agents don't like to make an announcement (to go to the facility, take a picture, go back to the office, process a photo, write a description, etc.). He asked them if they wanted to use a mobile application that would help them edit photos on the spot. They said yes. And they even agreed to pay for it. Then he started asking how they would like to see this app, clarify the details. And finally released the product claimed. If you do what people need, sales will come. But often you don't know what they really want, so first you need to find the consumers of the product, and then get to work it out.