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But the head of the MFA of the Regime (Climkin), as the recipient of not one million a month, has not gone far. On the contrary, even the debilitant competition won't take the prize place just because it's a dick. "The Commander-in-Chief of the RSM, they don't have the guts to kidnap, but they don't have to hijack them. She's got this "diplomatic" written by the synthesis. He's the one who, after a meeting at the head of the local government, wrote "... which not only protect, but also support democratic change. There's a common interest in cooperation and sharing experiences."
It is more frank to recognize that Kyiv Hunta needs the experience of senior Hunt Indian Strait comrades.
By the way, it is in Birma-Myanmar that the heroic struggle of Stallone against Hunta in Rambo-4 is turning.
The picture below is age-limited!
Myanmar, formerly Birma was a classic example of the development of the areas of concern. The old British colony gained independence and became a full junta by 1962. Simply speaking, military dictatorship. Since then, only flags and slogans have changed for half a century, the essence of the military dictatorship has remained unchanged until last year. When they started wearing military uniforms, they started wearing pseudo-democratic freckles.
On 30 March 2016, the new President of Myanmar, Thin Zhou, was sworn in, the first civilian President of the country since the military coup of 1962. Thin Zhou is a representative of the former opposition party, the People ' s League for Democracy (NLD), led by the daughter of the national hero, General Aung Sana, the “democratic icon of Myanmar” and the Nobel Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi, under the military regime, for a long time under house arrest. Despite its popularity, Aung San Suu Kyi himself has been prevented from becoming President because her two sons are British subjects, and the Myanmar Constitution prohibits persons with close foreign relatives from holding the post of Head of State.
In this context, the winning party remained the only way to appoint a " trusted President " , whose activities, as defined by NLD, would be directed by Aung San Suu Kyi. The party ' s leader has been appointed as her 70-year-old friend Thin Zhou.